Dr. Angela Gonzales, Davis Facilitator and Davis Autism Facilitator/Coach, explains the ideas that support Davis methods.
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Davis method explained
Davis theory and tools explained in a direct and simple format
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Please note that this video and the information on this site is focused primarily on the Davis methods for academic issues and attention focus. For information about Davis programs for autism, please visit the Ron Davis Autism Foundation site at https://www.rdautismfoundation.org/
Do you have any facilitator in New York or Long Island area?
All currently licensed Davis Facilitators are listed on this site. You can use the map on the home page to zoom into your own region, or scroll down the page and use the location-based links to narrow your search. Here is a direct link for New York state — https://www.davismethod.org/loc/new-york
Hi. Our daughter is 10 and was diagnosed at 5 with a severe case of dyslexia. She attends a school specifically for dyslexia. It is good in many ways. But, I question if she ever will be ready for normal school. All of her standardized tests in reading are far beneath grade level. However, her skills in math are grade level or slightly above. A dear friend forwarded this information to me. So, I’m reaching out to you to learn more.
Jillian, the best way to learn more is to schedule an assessment with a facilitator. A preliminary consultation or screening interview can be done by phone. A 10-year-old child is likely to do well with a Davis program, which will give her tools to overcome barriers that would not be part of traditional tutoring. If your daughter is still reading far below grade level despite years of attendance at a specialized school, that is a good indication that your daughter needs an alternative approach to meet her specific needs. If the school your daughter now attends has been providing intensive instruction geared to phonetic decoding, you might find this article helpful to understand why many dyslexic children benefit from the alternative tools provided by Davis: https://www.dyslexia.com/davis-difference/davis-theory/when-phonics-doesnt-work/
It is normal for a Davis teacher to charge to have a initial meeting? Does this program work for organizational skills and ADHD?
Yes, many Davis Facilitators do charge a fee for an initial consultation and screening. As Facilitators set their own rates, the amount of charge, if any, varies. There is a Davis program for organizational skills and ADHD, called Davis Attention Mastery — you’ll find more about that here: https://www.dyslexia.com/davis-difference/davis-programs/davis-attention-mastery/
Mi hijo de 17 años tiene asperger quiero ayudarlo y poder ayudar a otros niños sin recursos
My Mother suffered from a brain haemorrhage about two months ago and is not able to read after that. I’m not sure if she is dyslexic but she is not able to recognise alphabets and numbers. I don’t think there are any facilitators around Mumbai, India but is there a home kit which could help. Thanks
There is a Davis Facilitator in Mumbai –you can find her listing on the India page, here: https://www.davismethod.org/loc/india
I suggest that you contact her to discuss whether a Davis-based program might be helpful with her condition. A lot would depend on the extent of her specific injuries.
My 12 year old son is Dyslexic. I am keen to train and get certified in the Davis program. While i have seen some contacts of practitioners in Kenya, i am keen to support my own child through the program. Please give me all the information required to get me to certify. Regards.
Information about Davis Training and Licensing is on this site: https://www.davistraining.info/
This page contains links and information for training in various parts of the world: https://www.davistraining.info/event-organizers/
I am an adult with dyslexia. I do not live near any facilitators. I live in Albany, NY. Any suggestions.
Alicia, most faciliators will be happy to arrange an initial consultation by phone or videochat so that you can discuss your problems and explore ways that a Davis program might help. Many facilitators are also able to travel to their client’s home if it not possible for the client to travel to them. Keep in mind that a standard Davis program is usually given over the course of 5 concecutive days.
Hi, i am a mum of a newly turned 6 years old and she is not reading as yet, i am curious to know if she does have dyslexia. We live in Belize and wondering what assistance i can receive in getting her tested as well as assisting her to learn if she does have dyslexia because we don’t have any programs set in place here to assist.
Sefania, with Davis, we only provide dyslexia services to children age 8 and over. With younger children, age 5-7, instead we introduce them to Davis tools and methods so they will have the learning strategies needed to prevent them from falling behind. We call this the Davis Reading Program for Young Learners.
You can find a home kit that you can buy here: https://shop.dyslexia.com/dylkit
The kit has everything that the you would use if getting a Young Learners program from a facilitator, except for the facilitator to guide and coach you. But the kit comes with a manual with instructions on what to do. There is no need for a test to determine whether or not your daughter is dyslexic for her to benefit from these tools – any child who is not yet reading will benefit.
It is very difficult to get an accurate assessment for dyslexia for a 6 year old in any case, because at that age it is hard to sort out what is dyslexia and what is simply part of the normal developmental process. So one can tell if a child is “at risk” for dyslexia or has dyslexic “tendencies” if they are frustrated and having difficulty with age-appropriate pre-reading and beginning reading skills — but not so easy to sort out what aspects of the problems are simply due to immaturity. But fortunately, the Davis tools will help no matter what.
I am also from Belize and having similar issues. The difference is that our counselor has identified Dyslexia as the major cause or frustration leading to anxiety in our 8 year old. I am currently in the process of identifying assistance.
Sefania, have you gotten any help in Belize?
I’m looking for Davis facilitators in the Seattle, WA area. Can you please let me know how or where to go?
Thank you very much!
Lara B
Lara, here’s a link to the page that lists providers in Washington state:
You will see the locations of each facilitator with the map pins that appear on that page; you can also scroll down to browse through their listings.
I have several friends with children or adults that have autism. Is there a book explaining how to help persons with autism?
We are in southern Cook County Illinois.
Solie, the book Autism and the Seeds of Change at listed at https://www.davismethod.org/resources/books-and-kits/ explains the Davis Autism Method. It is not a how-to book, but rather it explains the history of the Davis approach and then goes over the full program. It is intended as a resource for someone considering the program, or for family members or teachers who are working with someone who is following the Davis program with a licensed Davis Autism Facilitator/Coach. Also, the Davis autism program can be done as a coached program, with the facilitator guiding and helping the person who is working with the autistic child or adult, rather than working directly with the child.
There is a licensed Davis provider in the Chicago area — see https://www.davismethod.org/loc/illinois for listing information.
i am looking for davis facilaters in pakistan.please let me know how to go about?
This site lists all licensed Davis Facilitators worldwide. Unfortunately, there currently are no providers in Pakistan.