Facilitators who have completed appropriate training and are authorized to provide full Davis programs online are listed here: On-Line Program Providers.
These are complete programs, which are intended to meet the quality standards and consistency of all Davis programs. Online program delivery was first implemented in 2020 in response to COVID-19 restrictions worldwide. The option for online program delivery has been provisionally retained because these programs have proven to be effective and online delivery allows many more individuals to arrange to work with Davis Facilitators.
Please note that not all Facilitators are able to provide online programs. Some Facilitators are more comfortable working directly with their clients in person, or have technical limitations that would make remote sessions difficult (such as slower internet service).
However, even Facilitators who do not offer full Davis programs online may be available for phone or video-chat consultation or preliminary screening appointments. Facilitators may also be available to provide post-program support via phone or internet for clients who have already completed in-person programs with them.
I have a question. I found out about your book, “The Gift of Dyslexia,” and I went through the Assessment with my 11 year old son. He did fine with making the image of the piece of cake, but when I told him to make it go away, he said that was hard for him, so I thought I was supposed to do the alignment procedure next. He said that confused him. I didn’t keep doing it until I thought he had gotten it, because I read that you can’t do both the orientation counseling and the alignment, so I was not sure what I should do next. I don’t want to do the wrong thing. Maybe I misunderstood; maybe he was just supposed to get the cake to move out of his hand? I’m not sure how to proceed. Can you help me, please?
Hi, we can’t give specific advice with Davis procedures online — but you might find it helpful to contact a Facilitator near you to arrange a consultation. Facebook users can also get support when working on your own with our Facebook support group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/dyslexiasupportforparents/
My son cannot read he is 10 years old and is homeschooled.were on a fixed income and its hard to get him to pay attention and to listen.he makes me feel bad because he gets upset when i tell him he cannot watch tv during school time.during school hes frustrated easily and asks when is he done.when hes online he askes me how to spell words and when i say the letter b he asks what it looks like and he picks d or p then d.he gets his m and n and h wrong.he talks to himself and hums and twist his hands and fingers a lot.he chews on things.he thinks i yell at him when im just trying to get his attention.he crys and runs to his bedroom and i have to say sorry to get him to listen to me.is that delexia or some kind of disorder i dont know?
Here’s a quick survey you can use to get a sense of your son’s learning profile: https://www.testdyslexia.com/
I am an adult who is interested in this program. Would this be beneficial to a 41 yr old individual who may have dyslexia?
Yes, the Davis program was originally created for adults and is highly effective for adults. Davis Facilitators work with adults of all ages. You can find more information about adult experiences with the program here: https://www.dyslexia.com/davis-difference/about-davis/inside-the-davis-program/adult-experiences/
The Davis Math Mastery program can be done online. However, the parents would need to contact a Facilitator directly to discuss options.
I am inquiring for one of my students and his parents to see if you are doing the on-line math program. Thank you.